Buying an inverter is a bit complicated though, with lots of choice and few clear answers. But having said that, Luminous UPS inverters are the best in the business and UPSBazaar has a wide range of Luminous inverters with a detailed specifications and competitive price. If you ever looking forward to buy luminous UPS inverter online in Mumbai, UPSBazaar is the best bet.
As you are aware of a fact that that Luminous UPS inverters has a sleek design that doesn't look out of place in the house, a very easy to understand display that shows the time required to charge, and the amount of backup in the batteries. It's a pure sine wave inverter that kicks in instantly so a power cut doesn't mean that my connection is temporarily reset, or any other annoyance like that. It's also equipped with a number of other features such as short-circuit protection, and input mains protection.
One of the most important things to look at while brainstorming among inverters and batteries is the power rating of the inverter - the greater this become, the more number of appliances you can run at the same time. It is quite evident that, the more things you run the more battery it consumes, hence you must first work out what are the appliances you will be powering from the inverter, and buy the inverter according to your needs. To give you a generic idea, UPSBazaar has launched a detailed specification according to the different appliances been used frequently:
- Fan: 90W
- Tube light: 50W
- CFL: 25W
- TV: 150W
- Set top box: 25W
- Desktop PC: 150W
- Laptop: 50W
- Wi-Fi router: 5W
- Cooler: 300W
- Mixer: 300W
- Induction Cooker: 1500W